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A Halloween Message from CRIOct 30, 2009 at 8:12 pm http://www.childrensrightsinstitute.org/2009/10/a-halloween-message-from-cri
Beware of UNICEF Boxes this Halloween! UNICEF's Mandate Can Be Very Scary…If you or your children are planning to "trick or treat" tomorrow, keep in mind this article by Dave Kopel published in the National Review two years ago, wherein he describes how; "UNICEF has been a major financier of Palestinian 'summer camps' which encourage children to become suicide bombers. One such camp is named for Wafa Idris…" Wafa Idris was the first female Palestinian suicide bomber who, at 28 years old, killed herself, an 81 year old man and injured one-hundred others outside a shoe store in Jerusalem. Those of you who have seen our documentary "The Making of a Martyr" know that we interviewed Wafa's mother and nieces for the film. Each of Wafa's young nieces (all between the ages of 10 and 14) eagerly described their desire to follow in Wafa's footsteps and 'martyr' themselves while Wafa's mother explained to us, though she missed her daughter, "she did nothing wrong, by god." Before you slip any spare coinage in a UNICEF box, note Militant Islam Monitor's 2007 report on the UNICEF school here. Equally disturbing is the fact that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the UN arm responsible for providing aid and education in the Palestinian territories, employs the school curriculum of its hosts: Hamas, Fatah and the Palestinian Authority (PA). This means that the 658 elementary and preparatory schools funded and operated by UNRWA use the hate-filled and murderous curriculum produced by the PA as well as hire teachers straight off the Hamas payroll. In 2004, former UNRWA Commissioner-General Peter Hansen went on record confirming that " there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll, and I don't see that as a crime." At best, UNRWA is turning its cheek while designated terrorists radicalize Palestinian children in its schools. At worst, the UN is guilty of aiding and abetting the premeditated murder of innocent children by indoctrinating said children towards violence and suicide. Where's that in the Goldstone Report? The real-world consequences of educating children to become suicide-homicide bombers are deadly. For example, 20-year-old Shadi Zakayira Tubasi and 21-year-old Faud Ismail Mohamad Al-Horani, both of whom had been students at UNRWA schools, carried out their lessons by committing suicide attacks in Israel. Prominent Hamas leaders such as Ibrahim Maqadama, founder of the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza; Salah Mustafa Shehada, who has openly endorsed suicide bombings; and Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh were educated at UNRWA schools. Governments funding UNRWA - chief among them, the U.S. and the European Union - must condition their funds on a new curriculum that teaches peace and coexistence. And finally, as an alternative to giving your "trick or treat" money to UNICEF, Kopel offers the following advice: "The good-hearted children who "trick or treat for UNICEF" don't know about UNICEF's sordid allies, of course. So instead of simply rejecting the requests of the children, gently explain that you don't want to give money to UNICEF because…some of UNICEF's money helps pro-terrorism groups. Then, put a dollar (or five, or ten) in a bag of your own, and tell the children that because of their trick-or-treating, you will be giving more money to a different charity (which you can name for them) which uses all of it money to help children…" Inside note: When I was traveling in the West Bank filming "Martyr " our sources informed us that since Wafa Idris had been barren and also an adulterous, she had worked to bring shame upon her family's name. Subsequently, Wafa had been threatened with an honor killing. Placed between a rock and a hard spot, Wafa "chose" instead to violently take her own life and the lives of other innocents by becoming the first Palestinian female suicide bomber, thereby restoring her family name. As such, UNICEF named their school after her, contributing to her legacy, and several newborn babies were given her name. During our interview, which took place on the first floor of her half-demolished home, Wafa's mother complained about the funds she was no longer receiving from Palestinian Authorities as an award for her daughter's death… Have a happy, safe, and terror-free funded Halloween! Brooke © 2025 Children's Rights Institute. |